Monday, September 21, 2009

Sun Setting on the Warm Weather

Hi all,

As the sun sets on the warm weather and some cottages need to be closed down for the season, here are some notable dates for seasonal homeowners. The community well will be turned off on Monday, October 19, 2009. This is also the last day of regular garbage pickup. The weekend of October 17-18 will be the last opportunity to use these services this season.

Also, thanks again to Fran O'connell for recording the minutes at the 2009 Annual Shareholders Meeting and posting them to the blog. You will find them posted below. Dave

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Minutes of MBE Annual Shareholder Meeting July 4, 2009

Michago Beach Estates

Annual Shareholders MEETING
July 4, 2009

Trustees in attendance: David Dwyer- President, Peg Feldt-Treasurer, Fran O’Connell- Secretary, Joe Twist-Trustee.

1. President called the Annual Shareholders Meeting to order at 11 am. A quorum
was present. The President then called for additions to agenda. There were no additions
2. Secretary presented the Minutes of the July 5, 2008 meeting. There was a motion to approve the minutes as corrected (Montague Road was corrected the Michago Road). The motion was seconded and approved.

3. Treasurer presented a report of income and expenses for the previous year and ending cash balance of $14,955.49 in all accounts as of June 30, 2009. Unpaid dues, water and garbage amounted to $1820. Peg mentioned that dues are for the period November 1 to October 31. There was a motion to approve the report as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

President presented the proposed dues for the 2009-10 year:
Undeveloped lot $55
Developed lot $110
Water $70
Garbage $95
Undeveloped lot $10
Developed lot $20

There was a motion to approve the proposed annual dues as presented. The motion was seconded and approved

4. Election of Trustees: Three Trustee positions are to be voted on. President presented the slate of nominees: Barb Gallaher, Sally Twist and Mark Dwyer. The President called for nominations from the floor. Being none, it was moved and seconded to close nominations. Following a written vote by members in attendance and by proxy, Barb Gallagher, Sally Twist and Mark Dwyer were elected to the Board of Trustees. The President thanked the outgoing Trustees for their work on behalf of Michago Beach Estates.

5. Old Business:
a. Road Repairs: Due to heavy water runoff due to melting snows and rainfall, Toboggan Road and north Sunset will need to be graded and slag put down on Toboggan Dr. The pipe at the intersection of Toboggan and Sunset also needed to be covered. When Sunset Drive is graded, there was a suggestion to taper the road edges and to plant grass to lessen runoff. .
South Michago Drive will also need to be graded. That project will be planned for 2010.
Richard Klinkner suggested investigating a dry well be installed up on the south end of Michago Drive to facilitate drainage. No action was taken.
It was also mentioned that years ago the Association tried giving streets within the boundary of Michago Estates to the County. The question was raised if the Association wanted to attempt this again. By voice vote, the decision was no.

b. Drainage: The culvert was trenched earlier in the spring to improve the water flow. The drainage pipe that runs under Surfside Dr also needs repairs. An estimate to do the work will be obtained.
c. Beautification: A garbage can has available at the top of the steps to the beach, and the can will be emptied weekly. Members were asked not to use fire rings as trash collectors.
d. Speed Bumps: The speed bumps will not be installed on Michago Rd for the upcoming season.

6. New Business:
a. Community Blog site: President announced that the Association has a Blog site: All owners are encouraged to visit the site.
b. Tree and Shrubs removal: Members were reminded to avoid throwing tree limbs and shrub down the bluff banks.
c. Bluff erosion: Members are reminded to not cut down trees on the bluff. Tree branches can be cut and removed.
d. Long range Projects;
i. Drainage: Drains are needed at Sunset and Toboggan and possibly one on Surfside. We do not have an estimate yet for this work.
ii. Consider resurfacing Toboggan Drive
iii. Grading Furman. Tree limbs need to be trimmed on Furman. A couple of association members offered to do the trimming.
iv. Footbridge may need some work
e. Miscellaneous Project suggestions
i. A portable walkway from the end of the beach stairs to the water. The walkway could be removed and stored during the winter.
ii. Port-a-potty at the top of the beach stairs.
f. Safety Reminders: Owners are reminded that jet skiers are to ride outside of 2nd sandbar which is about 100 feet from the beach. Owners are asked to remind children and visitors of the Coast Guard Rules regarding use of jet skies. It was also suggest that the Coast Guard rules posted.
g. Motorized vehicles use: Discussion use of motorized vehicles (other than cars and trucks) driven or ridden by children and adults at the risk of the driver. Michago Beach Estates has no responsibility.

7. Other Business
a. Beach Clean-up Date: Saturday, Sept 5th at 10 a.m.
b. A history of Michago Beach Estates is being compiled.
c. Visit the Michago Blog site.

8. Adjournment: Moved and approved at 12:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Fran O’Connell