Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Michago Spring 2013 Shareholder Letter

Dear Michago Residents,

Ready for spring? We’re still awaiting its arrival in Montague so we can get the vacation season started.  In the meantime, we have a few operational updates, area news items, and scheduled meetings to pass along to you.

Due to the late arriving spring and overnight freezing temperatures, the community water system will probably not be turn-on until the week of April 22-26. For the 20+ houses affected by this, please watch your email for updates. When you do drive up, the Winston Road bridge over US 31 will be closed for a full deck replacement from early April to late June 2013. See MDOT’s flyer on our website for more details. Also, Webster Road currently is closed from 56th to 72nd due to a culvert washout and resulting road repairs. On a positive note, WalMart announced plans in mid-March to build a superstore in Whitehall Township near the southeast corner of US 31 and Colby Road. Many local business owners and residents oppose the company’s plans, which still need the township board’s approval.

High-speed Internet access remains a priority for communities like ours along the lakefront. As such, we invite you to a Michago-neighborhood meeting with an area manager from Frontier Communications on April 27, 2013 at 11 a.m. next to the baseball field in Michago. The manager, Phil, requested the meeting to see our level of interest and to have an open discussion about possible Internet technologies and pricing. We need a good turn-out for this meeting on the 27th, so please try to attend.

Our annual Michago shareholder meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 29, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.. Thank you to Peg and Tom for agreeing again to host the meeting in their front yard. Please try to attend this one-hour meeting too, which helps us in reaching a quorum and conducting association business.

Last, your 2013 Shareholder Dues invoice is included with this letter. Our dues remained unchanged this year, but we do anticipate a garbage fee increase next year. For now, your prompt remittance of this invoice is appreciated by the Board.

Best regards,


Friday, April 12, 2013

Winston Road over US 31 Bridge Closure April-June 2013

Winston Road's bridge over US 31 will be closed for a deck replacement from April to June 2013. MDOT forcasts the ramps will remail open for the majority of the project, but the bridge will be closed to traffic.  See the flyer below for more details.