Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Minutes of the Annual Shareholders Meeting of July 3, 2010

Trustees in attendance: David Dwyer, President; Mark Dwyer, VP; Peg Feldt, Treasurer; Sally Twist and Barb Gallagher.

1. The President called the Annual Shareholders Meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. A quorum was present. The President then called for additions to the agenda. There were no additions.
2. Sally Twist (on behalf of Secretary Fran O’Connell) presented the Minutes of the July 4, 2009 meeting. There was a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded and approved.
3. Treasurer presented a report of the income and expenses for the year which included a cash balance of $15, 943.08 in all accounts as of June 30, 2010. Unpaid dues, water and garbage amounted to $1,015.00. Small increases in garbage, water, and electric expenses have occurred. Major increases in road expenses the past two years resulted from necessary road projects. It was also discovered that the pump houses were not insured. Insuring them will be an additional $160.00 expense this year, which will come from the water fund. Banking expenses were reduced this year by switching to a different type of account. Explanation was given regarding the various accounts and the fact that the water and garbage accounts can only be used for their designated purposes. There was a motion to approve the report as presented. The motion was seconded and approved.

4. Old Business:
a. A drain on N. Surfside was installed last summer that seems to be working effectively. The drainage pipe at Toboggan and Sunset was covered at the same time but more needs to be done to eliminate large puddles that form there.
b. Slag was put down on Toboggan Drive after heavy rains.
c. The sand and clay to fill the dip on Sunset Drive did not work and needs to be repaired this year.

5. New Business:
a. Road Projects:
The pull-off off area on North Surfside Drive needs to be cleared, filled with dirt/gravel, and graded. The repairs should not touch the bluff. North Surfside Drive also needs slag and grading.

To repair the dip on Sunset Drive, a contractor suggested putting a layer of sand and gravel on the entire length of the road. After discussing this, it was decided to not pursue this option for this year but to fill-in the dip with gravel and pack it down.

Installing two drains at Toboggan and Sunset Drives is this year’s highest priority project. Toboggan also needs grading as Marian Puffer pointed out that slag is collecting at the bottom of Toboggan. Bud Gallagher pointed out that at some point in time when John Muchna is no longer willing or able to grade the roads we need to be prepared for a significant increase in road expenses.

b. Miscellaneous:
The footbridge is unsafe and needs repairs due to water eroding the supporting ground.

6. The President presented the proposed dues for the 2010-11 year.

Developed Lot/House $130
Undeveloped lot 65
Water 70
Garbage 95
Beautification (Dev.) 20
Beautification (undev.) 10

There was a motion to accept the proposal. The motion was seconded and approved.

7. Elections of Trustees: Three Trustee positions were voted on. The President presented the slate of nominees: David Dwyer, Fran O’Connell and Bob Perotti. The President called for additional nominations from the floor. Hearing none, it was moved and seconded to close nominations. Following a written vote by members in attendance and by proxy, David Dwyer, Fran O’Connell and Bob Perotti were elected to the Board of Trustees.

8. Other Business and Reminders:
a. Motorized Vehicle Safety – A reminder was made that the association bylaws state that motorized vehicles (other than cars and trucks) are to be used only for to-and-from house use. Speed limits are to be obeyed.
b. Safety Reminders: Owners were reminded that jet-skiers should ride outside of the second (2) sandbar, which is about 100 feet from the beach. Owners are asked to remind children and visitors of the Coast Guard Rules regarding the use of jet skies.
c. The Michago blog site is at
d. Use of fireworks is illegal by homeowners and Michigan state laws apply.
e. Please notify the board of any home or e-mail address changes.
f. The association mailbox is overflowing with mail, so please check it.
g. Overflow parking lot is not intended for extended parking. Please use it only for “overflow” parking.
h. There is a pile of wood chips located on Furman Drive by the culvert, so please help yourself. In the future, the association will have it removed.
i. Poison ivy is prevalent this year. The association sprays the sides of Toboggan Drive and by the mailboxes. Anything on your property is your responsibility.
j. The President expressed sympathy to the families of two recently deceased members, Carol Klinkner and Kathy Olcese.

9. Adjournment: A motion to adjourn was moved and approved at 12:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Sally Twist,
Trustee (substitute secretary)